CCY Family Lawyers     613-727-9698

Legal Coaching and Litigation Support

The court process is extremely complicated and even more expensive. It is becoming increasingly more common for people to find themselves representing themselves in court.

CCY Lawyers will provide self-represented litigants with such information and services as they may require to meet to their specific needs. These may include:

  • Information on practical aspects of access to the Court system;
  • Assistance to complete Court forms and pleadings;
  • Litigation coaching to present your case in the most efficient and effective way;
  • Legal research and guidance; and
  • Depending upon the circumstances, step in to provide representation at individual hearings.

The fees associated with these services are tailored to the requirements of the services requested.

There is no replacement for representation by competent family counsel. Family Law is one of the most complicated areas in law.  That being said, economic realities often dictate that there is no other option.

Our goal is to assist the unrepresented litigant to present their case in the most efficient and effective manner they can while assisting the Court system itself to deal with the problems associated with self-represented litigants who neither have an understanding or proper access to the system or the laws affecting their particular case.